Wednesday, May 31, 2006
What? No Camera!
Chey might be happy the man is gone but I rather miss him. He makes noise at night and last night was so quiet that I worried no one was there so I had to meow until Momma called me to come to bed with her and I found her. I was so scared that she had left and didn't even say good bye. I was glad to fine her and stuck my face in her face and purred.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
My Window
Monday, May 29, 2006
Memorial Day
Well, we are off to do some laundry. A cat's work is never done.
Friday, May 26, 2006
I want to go out too!
Momma says that it's because she thinks Georgia might not take good care of me outside and purposely loose me. Georgia would never do that.
I wonder who's laughing in the background?
At any rate, I'm furry happy that it's not furry nice out today because then Georgia doesn't like to go out. YEAH. I can snuggle with her and play with her tail and all sorts of fun things. I'm sure getting away from me couldn't be why she loves to be on the front porch?
Thursday, May 25, 2006
On my next birthday
I got up on my perch and watched. I hope she doesn't unpack these boxes for a very long time because I like watching the birdies. Then she got tired of moving stuff and started playing a game so I had to wait until she was done to blog. Then Chey jumped in front of me and started on her lunch date with Patty Murray. I had to wait.
For my next birthday, no hats. I want a laptop please!!! Hmm.. Christmas if first, so maybe I can get it then...
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I did my best to make it hard for her to finish the laundry, because I know she hates doing that and I didn't want to her to not have fun. I even went into the big empty garage area with her! I let her catch me when she was ready to go back in. I've been quite the little love bug and she tells me. I'm just so grateful.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Momma is Crazy
I thought it was rather rude. After all, I like typing on the computer and just because some humans don't believe I can. Is this speciesism that Kukka Maria talks about suffering from? If so it's just mean.
Momma talked to a vet that works only with cats yesterday. I think I have to go in next week. I don't want to, but at least they'll understand my skills at singing and jumping and balance beam and blogging!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Thanks for A good Party!

Thank you evfurryone for coming to my purrfday! It was so much fun! We had lots and lots of cake and fun hats to wear! Mine says "Birthday Princess" which I liked! Yea!
Lots of people came. The meezers, the calico girls, Scooby, Shaggy and Scout, Trixie, Fat Eric, Zeus and Isis, even though Zeus had ear problems. We were glad he came anyway. Just about everyone showed up and wished Trixie and Scout and I a happy happy birthday and I was glad that we all got presents and cake and ham.
Miles danced the hokey pokey with me and he also sang some karaoke.
We had lots and lots of ham. It was good the Meezers brought a 16 pound ham from their momma because Chey and Miles went a little hog wild.
See sometimes when Chey eats so much she gets tired...
Kukka Maria showed up in style.
Happy Go Lucky brought a pretty present.
Patches and Mittens also brought a lovely gift. Mittens and Grandma Trixie got along furry well and they had a furry nice nap together.
Fat Eric was able to make it and he was quite the king of the party. He danced with several of the ladies and then took a bit of a nap. It's a long teleport back and forth...
Sweet Abby brought gifts.
Georgia decided to dress up after a couple of glasses.
Not to be outdone, Brach dressed as well.
Sammy and Oreo got a game of touch football going.
Mia and Ghost came with gifts too, which was furry nice. Isn't she a lovely girl?
Grandma Trixie got to wear my hat because it was her purrfday too! She looks good doesn't she?
Zeus didn't feel so well, but he was still quite the party cat.
And so was Isis.
I didn't know that it was Scout's purrfday too so Momma got him a mouse. We got one for Grandma Trixie too. We missed a photo of Scout and the mouse, but here is one with Grandma Trixie.
I think it was a furry good purrfday because everyone seemed happy and I hope you all had a good time.
Momma would like to note that Brach's photo was downloaded from his Catster profile. The others were created at the party... :)! Thank you all!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Final Preparations
We are gonna make my purrfday cake today and I get to help YEAH! I wonder if she'll let me lick the bowl or stand on the counter? Usually I'm not supposed to stand on the counter.
The karaoke machine is ready to and there is space for the hokey pokey and even a bit of rough housing if we are struck by the mood. Georgia thinks this is all silly as no one made such a fuss over her purrfday but it's my first. She said on her first purrfday she was probably out hunting mice. Poor Georgia. She is a furry nice cat but doesn't get into all these humanistic displays...
Thursday, May 18, 2006
My new Hat

Cheysuli took Georgia and I shopping the other day and we found these stunning hats. I couldn't wait to wear mine. Georgia put hers on too and we were twins! I love Georgia!
I didn't get any sunglasses but it's not that bright here so I figured I didn't need them right now.
I am going to go plan a special event at my party for Grandma Trixie as it's her purrfday too!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Momma Got me a HAT!
Georgia thinks cat parties are silly and she would rather sit outside and watch the squirrels and try and catch one. She says she will bring me the puffy tail if she does. I think I'd rather have the whole squirrel though.
Yes Zeus, everyone is invited and we have you on the RSVP list! I hope you can make it! It's going to be wild!!!!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
My debut
Maybe I could sing AND be a famous model? That would be great. I hear both of those careers can get busy and are hard work. I hope I wouldn't have to give up too much time looking out the window. I like watching the birds. Momma is trying to figure out a way to get a bird feed up that high so that they will come even closer to where I like to snooze. I hope she figures it out!
My debut
Maybe I could sing AND be a famous model? That would be great. I hear both of those careers can get busy and are hard work. I hope I wouldn't have to give up too much time looking out the window. I like watching the birds. Momma is trying to figure out a way to get a bird feed up that high so that they will come even closer to where I like to snooze. I hope she figures it out!
Monday, May 15, 2006

We looked around and it looked like Chey's photo was not showing up as her avatar on blogger siggys any more. We fixed it once and then it went right back to not showing up. So we are showing her off again.
Chey is quite the fashion hound sometimes. For those who can't get enough, she even has her own cafe press shop.
I can't believe I don't have a cafe press shop too! I mean I am the cutest--or at least Momma says so.
I'm glad I have so many good blogger friends though and I appreciate your thoughts while I was sad that I had fewer friends than Cheysuli. Even Georgia is getting more on Catster. Still, the bestest friends are here, at my blog.
I'm going to be planning a really special purrfday party to not just celebrate my purrfday but all my good friends!
Friday, May 12, 2006

So Cheysuli and I joined Catster the other day. I joined a few hours before Chey. I had up not the bestest picture but a good one. Today Georgia joined. Georgia has had two invites to join groups. Chey has 59 friends and I only have 37. I am so sad that I'm not the most popular cat in the house. Even Georgia who started a day later has 28 friends!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
The Forbidden Window

This is a very neat window that I found when I moved to the new house. It has a nice big perch that lets me look outside and around to the side of the window and not just straight out. I really really like it but Momma says I'm not supposed to be there. I think it's cauze cats aren't supposed to be on the kitchen ounters. I don't try and eat all the food like Cheysuli, but she is probably trying to be fair. It was fun looking out though and she said I was furry cute.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I did find a nice perch this morning. There are birds in our big trees outside and she has boxes stacked near the window with an old blanket on top. It a perfect cat perch to look outside and see what's happening! I hope she never finishes the unpacking of those boxes!
Monday, May 08, 2006
She left me again
Friday, May 05, 2006
Everyone Invited
We will have lots of kitty treats and momma said she will break out the catnip. We will have ham and turkey and chicken and beef so everyone can have their favorites and even some ice cream! The man said only vanilla.
Everyone is invited! YEAH. Uh oh.. .she said it's time for me to get off the 'puter because she is leaving! Oh my!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Remembering Iggy

We watched many losses together. We took in two cats of a friend who was moving for 6 months and watched them go off to their homes. We fostered a tailess tuxedo (like Abby!) and sent her to a wonderful home with an elderly family. He lost his playmate, Cougar, a wonderful Abbysinian ticked cat who died at two of renal failure, probably the result of poor breeding as it's a common problem in abbys to have malformed kidneys.
Iggy and I said good bye to my frist husband, our dogs, particularly the boxer/dalmation mix that Iggy loved. He and I and his best buddy Oscar Grey moved into a smaller place. A year or so later, we said a tearful farewell to Oscar who developed lymphoma at age 5.
Iggy had always been a large cat--over 17 pounds at his biggest, but until that loss he had kept his little kitten head, never developing the jowls of a tom. I thought perhaps I had neutered him too yoiung. Yet within a month of loosing Oscar, he became a true male cat, his thin cat face taking on the look of a tom. He had so respected Oscar that even his hormones kept his face in check so he wasn't a threat to his mentor.
He saw me through the loss of my mom and my dad. After my father died, he was diagnosed with cardiomyapathy, giving him about three years to live. I was in acupuncture school so I tried a naturopath. We pulled him off his meds, the Hill's products and put him on Solid Gold Katz N Flocken and a homeopathic. He acted like he hadn't acted in years. It was another 6 years before he started to look like an old cat in kidney failure and it was only in that year that the vet could once again hear his hear murmur.
He failed for some time. I knew he wanted to die at home, though my other cats had always been euthanized when they stopped eating. As if to make his point, Ig never stopped eating. He had his favorite Taco Bell bean burrito up the Friday before he died. Saturday morning he seemed to weak to be much interested. When he crossed the bridge, I was there. Georgia was there. Only Simone stayed away. Perhaps as she was so close to her own crossing, she was afraid she'd be tempted to go to?
I often visited the Animal Rescue Site, but I had forgotten for about 6 months. Monday after the Saturday he died, I went there. On the site was a phoot of a big orange cat with a disgusted look on his face. Behind him was a circle like for a water bottle but it looked like a halo. I laughed and told everyone to vist there because Iggy was sending me a post card from Heaven. No one else got the photo. I downloaded it so others could see it was real. I saw it for three days.

Though I knew he crossed, I know he still keeps an eye on me and my cats. I have no doubt that as Gemini showed up only 11 days later (the day after my beloved Siamese, Simone crossed the bridge herself) found me because of him.
I still feel the loss of this cat who saw me through so many transitions. We had a long history. The memories are sweet though. His death was hard, but it was a good death (though the process seemd to hard at the time) and the memories are good. His spirit has moved to other places and things but I know that he appreciates the things that I did for him. Some cats are just special and Iggy was one of them.
I think of him often, wondering what he would have thought of Gemini and how he would have treated her as a kitten. She would have liked him I think. Though Georgia was closer to Iggy than Simone, it was Simone she searched for for several days after she passed. I think, having been there, she knew he was gone.
He loved to sit next to the computer as I surfed and typed. He wouild give me this look as if he was quite pleased and surprised by my cleverness. When I cried to him before he died, that I would miss him, he often just gave me a disgusted look and walked away. Female weakness no doubt.
They don't leave us but live on in our memories and though we may still cry to remember them as closely as we do, the memories are more often happy than sad. Cats like Silas and Norton and Ralphie and Iggy will be with us as long as we are around and given the larnest of the personalities, no doubt far beyond!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Another Loss
Purrs and headbutts-
Songs for all of you--
I'm very sorry for your loss
-----Bonnie (Mom, The Woman, etc)
(See I even let Mom write today...) more purrs and headbutts.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
A phoot of Cheysuli

Mom said she found the camera here so that she can take some more pictures of me, maybe on the balance beam or something fun like that. I'll have to go figure out how I want to pose so that I can be cute cute cute...!
Monday, May 01, 2006
I kind of like the fact that I have more windows to look out around here. There are lots of trees and I'm hoping those promised squirrels will show up and the birds. I like those too. Chey has taken the best spot on the sofa where she can look out the window and snooze in the sun, when we get it. Mom says she'll be leaving for a few days at the end of the week and I hope it's not for so long. I really like having my moms here.