It is formerly feral Friday, but I just did a bunch of photos so I think I will not post another photo today. Efurry was so nice to comment but it's a close runner up. I think Momma kinda likes the little hat a bit better 'cause you can see my eyes.
I was sort of a feral kitty when Momma founded me. The day before she had had to put her Siamese kitty, Simone to sleep. Simone was a nice Siamese, Momma said. Any way that was only 10 days after she lost her big Iggy cat so she was really upset. She heard this mew. She went outside and couldn't find a kitten so thought I was with someone. But late at night she was woken up with this little mew. It was raining furry hard and she was wandering around her condominum complex in her jammies at 2 and then again at 4 in the morning looking for a tiny cat but couldn't find one.
The next day, after she fell asleep convincing herself that I must be locked in one of the garages, perhaps 'cause that was where they were keeping me, she looked for me at her lunch break. There I was, all the way across the complex, about as far from her condo as I could be, yet *she* heard me. She had to chase me into a corner before I would let her get close. I hissed and hissed at her but she just picked me up and said what a little puff ball I was and laughed as I tried to be mean.
I hid behind the toilet in the bathroom where she put me and hissed at anyone who would come in. I didn't recognize food so finally she rubbed some on my face and I licked it off. It wa good 'cause I was FURRY hungry by this time! And so I gobbled up the rest on her finger, slowly coming out from behind the toilet. I was so hungry I bit her finger but Momma didn't get mad. She just gave me more food.
Gradually I got bigger and started to get braver and went out to the big world of the condo and met Georgia. I LOVES Georgia. I run over to her if she comes in the room no matter what I am doing. She would always knock me over and bite on me but I loved it. I still love and still run over to her, though now she mostly ignores me. Once she got furry mad at Momma though when Momma accidentally stepped on my tail! Georgia came running into the kitchen where we were and glared at Momma and I rubbed my head all over Georgia for coming to my rescue as Momma apologized to me. Georgia gave her a big glare for some time and then she let Momma off the hook and left--but not before swatting me one!