Anyway go say hello to her at her blog or at Mu Shue's!
Daisy offered us all lovely graphics but mine says it uploads but then I get a blank space where I uploaded it to blogger. I guess I don't get to do graphics!
Oh well, more room for purrs!
Oh Oh! Tara is also having a commentathon to help raise money to help Lilly Lu. Go by and say hello for Lilly Lu!
I was having trouble uploading photos too. I am very worried about Lilly Lu, and I hope our strong purrs will make her all better.
Momma did a post fur Miss Lilly too. She wuz so furry sad as we are too bout Gizzy, and Bear and o'course Boo is beside herself about her friend Joaquin. It's been a furry sad week...all ofur..
Your sad little boyfriendcat
I'm going to go check out these graphics - thanks for the info!
I am praying for Lilly Lu and sending healing purrs her way.
Thanks Gemini, for your comment for Lilly Lu, and for mentioning my commentathon, I've almost reached my goal!
I am hoping amd praying for Lilly Lu just as hard as I can.
I can't see your photo but the I guess you already explained that, duh! LOL! You're such a nice kitty!
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