Saturday, December 30, 2006


Shh... there's still people here. Don't tell them I'm out!

Momma said I wasn't eligible for Chey's contest, but here's my thoughts for what she should do this next year.

I think she should be nicer to me for one thing but the big three are:

She needs to go to "Toy Hogs Annonymous"

She needs to go on a diet 'cause she is getting to be a fat meezer.

She needs to realize Puffy Cats are wonderful and she needs to write about it in her post.

So there, even if I can't win, I can dream, huh?

Thursday, December 28, 2006

My Resolutions

Oh so many other cats are doing their resolutions. I don't want to be left in the corner or perhaps the closet... of course I like it here!

1.I am going to try and not put my tail in the Almost Dad's face every morning. (this will be hard!)

2.I am going to try and stop tracking kitty litter on to the new treadmill.

3.I am going to try and give Cheysuli a big swat at least once a day, so she takes me seriously.

4.I am going to try and be more like Kukka-Maria.

5.I am going to try and be even nicer to Georgia, although she doesn't want me to be as nice as I am.

6.I am going to be nicer to Momma and purr at her even more so she doesn't call me her happy morning kitty, but her happy all day kitty.

Hmm... Cheysuli said that it might be hard to do number 4 and number 6 so I will have to think about this resolution thing some more. I don't know why I can't just change my mind day to day. After all, I'm cat!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Post Christmas

Well we got some snow here. Momma still hasn't put up photos of the big windstorm and now we have snow! I can't believe it!

Anyway, I hear that the Almost Dad's son is coming to stay with us for about two weeks off and on. He has to visit his Mom too so he won't be here the whole time. I'm furry shy. I don't think I'll like having someone else in my house. I hope Momma feeds me some place safe so I don't have to let him see me. She assures me he's safe and he likes cats. He had a cat growing up. However, I don't know. I don't like just anyone.

One of these days we'll have to get the camera downloaded and get those photos online too.

Monday, December 25, 2006

I Missed Him!

I think I missed Santa Claws! Oh and I wanted to see him and see if he had those Reindeer that Skeezix swears aren't vishus!

But I did get a cool cat tunnel. I got some fun little crinkle balls and a couple of rolling around balls from our secret paw, Ethel Mae. I got to open those. We also got some Friskies treats from here and some food! She was furry generous! She had a couple of feather toys and one wasn't to Chey's liking, so I got to play with that one! YEAH! Usually Cheysuli steals the feather toys and growls at anyone who comes near, even Momma.

I played in a tunnel that Momma got me, I mean us. It was fun. I like running around and jumping in it. Chey likes to pounce at me and I pounce right back. Georgia came out and watched while sitting on Momma's lap. Momma is furry happy cause Georgia hasn't done that in a long time!

It was a furry good Christmas even if I didn't get to see Santa! Oh and Momma got some soft and fuzzy fleece nightgowns that we will all like cuddling with! YEAH.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Happy Holidays

Furry good and peaceful wishes for Effuryone this Holiday.

Gemini and Georgia

Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Day!

Oh maybe I got my Christmas Present early. I don't know! Momma took Georgia back in for her followup and the vet said she was looking so good and as she was continuing to have things improve that she didn't want to give her any more homeopathic remedies but let this one continue to work.

She did give her some stuff to take in case things got bad over the holidays but she thinks Georgia should do well. She is off the pred and doesn't have any more symptoms. Also she showed Momma Georgia's blood work and when they took blood back in September, Georgia's BUN results were still NORMAL and her creatinine was only a litle high, so she is doing furry well. YEAH!.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Oh I bothered Georgia

Oh look it! I jumped up and got too close to Georgia and she is glaring at me. You can see by my ears that I am glaring right back.

Oh well, there's bed to share! I'm going to go settle down on my own. If she doesn't like it, she doesn't like it! She doesn't own the bed, I say.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Wednesday Wishlist

Oh! Efurryone is doing their wishlists and I haven't done mine!

I Wish:

  • for Georgia to get better and to be my favoritest cat forever and ever.
  • for Smudge and Luxor and all the other kitties who haven't been well get better.
  • that the Meezer's Mom and Brandi's Mom and all the other blogging Mommas and Daddys get the jobs they need and want.
  • that all the people who are separated from their families get to be with them again soon.
  • that Momma's business picks up again--it was good and then we had the wind and now it seems all messed up!
  • that efurryone would just like efurryone.
  • I got to play with the feather toy that Chey always grabs
  • to use the nice bed I won from Latte (that Chey will only not use when the camera is around)
  • for Peace on Earth
That's my wishlist.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Why did Momma get mad this morning?

It couldn't be that I was making bread on her pillow and accidentally stepped on her head.

It couldn't be that I was purring so loudly that I woke her up.

It couldn't have been my little cold nose sniffing her face as she turned over after I stepped on her head.

So what could it have been?

Sunday, December 17, 2006

It was a long cold weekend

First, we hopes that Mistrie Rose is okay and that there wasn't too much wind by the time this storm got to the Big Piney Woods. We have a new frog in our yard, but there's no pond. I hope Mistrie wouldn't get blown around like that!

We are furry grateful for the fact that we had a semi-warm home and food and places to sleep and water to drink and that we didn't have to be outside. We are really happy now that the heat is back on! Momma is going to take over now...


Okay, this is Mom-Bonnie and I wanted to continue in my own voice rather than dictating through Gemini and Cheysuli. We are all really grateful for what we see as our good fortune. There are so many trees down in this area. If you've never been to the Seattle area, you have no idea. We take our large firs and our large cedars for granted and there are many even in the outlying residential areas. We live in Sammamish, which is sort of the edge of civilization. We have about 35,000 people in Sammamish proper. To the east, there is the beautiful Snoqualmie Valley. Many of the people living there are living in very rural conditions, though there are a few towns. Snoqualmie is growing by leaps and bounds as people attempt to find affordable housing in this area. North Bend is no slouch either. Issaquah--once the middle of nowhere is a thriving commerical center.

I drive State Route 202 for about 20 minutes to get to my office and it's the most beautiful drive. If anyone remember's Twin Peaks, this was the route that they showed Agent Cooper driving on as he approached the main building (which is Snoqualmie Falls Lodge). I drive that route three or four days a week and I pass that lodge. North Bend is home to the "Damn Fine Cuppa Coffee" as they used to say and that diner is three blocks from my office. The trees and smell that so enchanted Agent Cooper's character are every bit as wonderful as he made out.

Unfortunately, because this is a rural area, most of the power lines are above ground. Even Sammamish, Issaquah, Bellevue and Redmond have above ground power lines. When the winds blew, a lot of those trees came down and hit the power lines.

We lost power at 8 PM on Thursday--just as Survivor started. I was hoping to make it through the show, although I was a bit surprised that we managed to have dinner at home. We pulled out the oil lamp, the flashlights a few candles that I have the glass domes for (so they give off more light) and transistor radio to hear the news. We learned that the brunt of the storm would hit a little before 11 pm. I feel asleep listening to the news upstairs. Our bedroom faces the front of the house. At about 1 PM I woke up to the sound of the wind. It was so loud you could almost feel it buffeting the house. Frequently trees would blow so hard that what little light was coming through the house, in area without power, that everything would get even blacker. It made you hold your breath. I feel for those people in Louisiana!

Komo 1000 said the wind was coming in from the Southwest and our bedroom was probably on that side of the house. We had no trees that would hit that area from the bedroom which made me feel better that the 11 large trees on our property and the two on the neighbors would probably not fall on us as we slept. One of them had the potential to have chipped the far edge of the house, but we're basically over the garage so there was a large driveway there and no real big trees.

I heard something about 2:30 that made me think that something had been hit. I got up and looked out the window and one of the 80-100 foot trees that lined the edge of the neighbor's house was no longer silloutted there. It looked as if it had fallen into the driveway of our next door neighbor. When I heard them yelling, all I thought was that it had hit something important, so Dennis and I pulled on sweats and shoes and ran outside to see if they needed something. The tree had missed the truck in the driveway, falling on the empty side. They had moved the other car a few hours earlier, worried that if one of those trees fell, they'd hit their car.

They stayed up through the storm and pulled around their cars to shine light on the trees and cut up parts of that large tree so that at least there was room for a car to drive into our culdesac. The people who lived in the house where the tree fell reported the next morning hearing a chain saw awful close by and thinking a tree must have gone down close. Were they surprised to come out and find it was one of theirs!

The morning light showed that one other tree across the street was partially uprooted. Two trees had gone down between two houses on the edge of the culdesac, but had only pulled down the fence. Another tree had fallen and hit the house behind us but hadn't broken through. She just lost some glasses. There was no structural damage to her house. The people behind us had damage to three of their cars when the tops of two our trees and the top of our next door neighbor's tree fell over--mostly in the culdesac but some of the branches hit the cars and broke the windows and likely there was some structural damage to the back of one. Our fence came down.

The woman across the street summed up the fact that although we had four large trees come down and three get topped, our culdesac was incredibly lucky. It could have been far far worse.

Through out the last two days, they have come around offering food that she has cooked over a gas grill at her sister's house. We have listened to Komo 1000 for two days straight and heard from so many people representative of the million plus homes without power in the area. People called in offering places. People with generators offered rooms. People who had power back on quickly offering their supplies to those who couldn't find them. People gladly offering information on where to find things like D batteries and gasoline and propane (though good luck on the last one!).

We feel lucky to have the power back on today. There are still hundreds of thousands of our neighbors without it. Most of them are either to the east of us or in pockets just to the west of us. I don't know if I'll be able to work next week at all as they are still saying days for North Bend to have power. Believe me, I have a lineman who's a patient. I'll be giving him a free treatment and offering one to anyone else who works with him! These guys have been out steady for three days now.

The linemen weren't out in the wind because it was too dangerous to be out in the wind--they might try to fix one thing and have another line come down and be injured. However, they were out by daylight Friday morning as soon as things calmed down enough to be safe assessing what needed to be done. Trees were mostly cleared by Friday in most areas and then power was gradually brought back on. I suspect they are working west to east so that there is power to bring into the more rural areas.

We were doubly thankful that when we looked out on Saturday morning we had a package that at first I couldn't figure out what it was and then it was like, oh my it's their bed from Latte! I really missed not having a computer at that moment to blog and say Thank you immediately! It's so perfect for Cheysuli. Right now our camera is getting recharged so it will be a few days probably before I'm caught up enough to do justice to the photos. Chey seems to know it looks nice against her fur because she's been using it more than the other two cats...:)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

It's Georgia!

Oh look, it's Georgia and she's on the bed. She is during pretty well.

Last week, we had one instance of her sort of wheezing for a moment but then it was over. She's been a little slower in responding to being called, although she can move pretty fast when she wants to.

Momma was happy that she's been sleeping on the bed by herself now again--when she was real sick, she was always hiding and she did a little of that last week.

She goes back to the vet lady a week from tomorrow. They have called to check on her and read her progress report so they know what' s going on. As it's a little longer than the two weeks so that Momma could do it on a day off, she will probably call or email them again at the beginning of this week. We are furry glad that although we are weaning her off the pred, she has not had any of the nasty symptoms yet.

We are getting a wind storm here. We had a little one yesterday and she wanted to go out but didn't want to go out 'cause of the wind.

This doesn't involve Georgia--but I can't comment on the Meezers! It gives me a window and I write and then I hid send but it keeps coming back. They may have my comment about 10 times or perhaps not at all! I will be glad when Blogger fixes this!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Momma said I was a Naughty Cat

I have been pouncing on Cheysuli. Last night Momma saw me stare her down and she backed off. Momma thinks it's cause I'm the bigger cat--or at least I look bigger! She still thinks Cheysuli is tougher...

Anyway, when I knocked over her file of all her different online info and scattered it around, because I had to put my behind in her face to remind her I was HUNGRY, she said I was getting furry naughty. I kept knocking Georgia over when she was unsteady and I then when Georgia tries to climb on Momma, I jump up and get between them. Now that I am chasing Cheysuli around, she says I am naughty. She said I might not get good gifts.

I said, I gots so many gifts yesterday that I don't care. But I hope that Santa doesn't think I'm TOO naughty.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

We got Presents!

Oh my we got so many presents today.

First off, I went to Latte Meezer's blog and I was the 3,999 cat so I visited again and I was the 4,000 cat and I WON! I WON! I WON! YEAH. Of course, you know Cheysuli and Latte admire each other's Meezerness so that she will probably hog the Millie Bed that we are getting and no doubt Latte picked out a color that will look most stunning against her fur, but I am the one who was reading and WON!!!

Then we got our Secret Paws gift. It's in a purty stocking. We think it looks great. Momma let us open one thing that was next to the stocking. We'd like to thank our Secret Paw, but we are furry embarrassed. It's from Ethel Mae and she is a woofie but we don't know where her blog is or who her people are to say a great big thank you. We know she wasn't sure what to get us and we'd like to say that we are so pleased with her gift!

Oh and yeah, Chey was Kat's Kat of the Day. Momma needs to submit me!

So that's our day. How was yours?

Monday, December 11, 2006


Oh my! Here it is! My Toesday photo with my Soft Paws!

It wasn't as hard as Momma thought to put them on. First, she trimmed my nails. I don't like that, but I am better than Cheysuli. She only trims one or two nails at a time with Chey. Then the Almost Dad put the glue in the caps. He said that was the hard part. Then Momma slipped them on my toes. Then she had to make sure I was distracted and didn't pull them off in the first five minutes. One fell off. The Almost Dad thinks there was one that didn't have enough glue in it. But the others stayed on. I enjoyed playing with the fluzzy toy that Momma was bouncing in my face. Then when she was done, I ran and attacked Chey!

The Almost Dad to had to squeeze my toes a bit 'cause my fur is so heavy and I have big old feet but tiny little toes that you can't even see the bright red nails unless I am playing and have them sort of splayed out!

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Doesn't it mean that if I can't see you, you can't see me? I am hiding from the Vishus Deer Conspiracy that Cheysuli discovered...

And look! Blogger Beta still lets me upload photos like always!

Friday, December 08, 2006

We're Updated

Momma got a note when she went to log in that we needed to update to Blogger Beta. We are mostly there. She is on Beta and I am now on Beta. Georgia still needs to move her account and we are thinking Cheysuli won't have a beta account, 'cause she has her own blog and we usually just have her use my account anyway when she has to comment.

I am just looking at how this is different from the old one blogger. It seems really similar. Momma likes that she can update the template and tweak it from the panel but I don't know how to do all of that.

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

My Paws are Soft!

Momma got me some softpaws for Christmas. Although they were supposed to be a Christmas gift, she and the Almost Dad put them on me already. She said I had a furry pretty pedicure with my red nails and stuff now.

I don't think I liked the pedicure very much. She was trying to get a photo but I have such big paws with little tiny kitten toes that you can't see the red nails much. She said she will need the Almost Dad to help hold me so that she can take a picture of my toes. Maybe we will put it up on Toesday!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I'm like RUDOLPH!!!!

You Are Rudolph

Sweet and shy, you tend to be happiest when you're making someone else happy.

Why You're Naughty: You sometimes stick that nose where it doesn't belong

Why You're Nice: Christmas would be a sad affair without you!

Georgia's first Treatment

So Georgia had a homeopathic therapy yesterday. The vet said that she could feel really good today or maybe there wasn't too much difference. Anyway, if she is going to react badly she will do so probably Friday or Saturday, which is about the time that the body sort of re-acts to the homeopathic. Momma has numbers to call if anything too scary happens.

She and the vet are hopeful that it won't, cause Georgia seems to be doing well.

Momma said our secret paws gift went out yesterday. She laughed though. We all wrote a nice letter to put inside the card and we forgot to put the long letter inside! Oh well. I hopes they knows it's us! Momma said we signed our names though.

Monday, December 04, 2006


Momma called the vet first thing this morning and she said they didn't sound very nice. They said tha their 11 AM was very gracious so that we "could" get in at 11 AM. I think it was their mistake and Momma is rather mad because it made it sound like it was her fault that she had to change the appoitment time.

Anyway I went running up the stairs to Georgia so I could headbutt her.

Update: So Momma got back from the vet. They were actually furry nice once she got there and felt badly that she was so annoyed with them. The vet talked to her for an hour and looked over Georgia. She said Georgia has no real symptoms, but that's sort of normal with pred. Anyway she gave her one homeopathic and we need to touch base in a week and then bring her back in another week to see what has changed. Also she is titrating her off the pred so that we can see what is happening. She said there were several other things that can cause the symptoms that Georgia had. She has nothing that says obviously that it's a meningioma, so it's hard to say what it is.

We will keep you updated. Maybe I will have my Georgia kitty for awhile longer yet!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Furry Upset

Momma is furry upset. She just found a message on the machine from Georgia's vet that she hadn't seen before. It probably came when she was out grocery shopping yesterday afternoon or late on Friday. They said her appointment with Georgia is at 1Pm but she made it for 11 Am and she has patients at 3 PM and she can't get from the vet (which they said would take an hour for the appointment) and home and then to her work in that time. It's almost 45 minutes. We had to wait about three weeks in order for her to get an appointment for Georgia and Momma doesn't know if Georgia has three more weeks to wait.

She called and will call again on Monday morning to verify and if she has to cancel, she will. But she is just so angry that they messed up the appointment like that when she made the appointment so far out. This could be Georgia's life! Well it is Georgia's life but maybe we'd have had her a bit longer if we could have actually seen someone sooner.