Sunday, December 10, 2006


Doesn't it mean that if I can't see you, you can't see me? I am hiding from the Vishus Deer Conspiracy that Cheysuli discovered...

And look! Blogger Beta still lets me upload photos like always!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Good idea to hide out from the vishus deer! I just read what Chey discovered, and I'll have to be on alert when my humans go to Church.


Oh gudness no vischus deer could be after my sweet Gemini..I will have to fend dem off!! Don't werry my sweet Gemini I will take care of dem fur yu!

Shoo away vischus deer!

Yur boyfriendcat

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Well, I can finally post without the big red awful x in the word verification box.

Just wanted to say, I can't see no cat in the picher. What are you talking about? Looks like a bunch of clothes in a closet to me.


LZ said...

I'm glad Blogger Beta is being good to you! I have had some good & bad experiences. Mostly the one where I thought my blog was GONE really upset me.

You're totally right, if you can't see them, they can't see you!


Unknown said...

You survived the switch to Beta Blogger? Our mom is dreading the day she gets "our" message ... Alberta, Sky, Blackie, Charlie and Maggie Fu

Victor Tabbycat said...

Gemini? Where are you? I don't see her anywear.

You should try the Elf Name again; Bonnie tried it 3 times afore she gots a name she'd accept.
~ Spice Stocking Stuffer

ps Cept fur our profiles, upgradin to Blogger beta wasn't bad. Mom jus had an identify crisis.

Kukka-Maria said...

Great hiding place! I can barely see you (with my eyes closed)!

Stupid deer...