Here is a photo of Georgia's steps that we got about a week ago. All those clothes are things that Momma is putting out in this weekends garage sale. I don't know why they want to sell clothes and stuff and the garage. Where will they park?
Anyway we Radcliffe and friends asked about our steps and we got them from Foster Smith. They go up about 30 inches high with those six steps. They are basically just styrofoam under there. They come in several heights and this was the tallest. The bed is quite high!
The steps are a little narrow, front to back for Georgia to get up and down real easily but she does it okay. Momma covered it with catnip so we would all like it right away. I think they were just about $99 for this set, which wasn't a huge amount. When Momma searched for pet furniture she got lots of different steps and some were very fancy. She choose this because it was the cheapest and she didn't know if Georgia would use it.
Don't I make a good model?
Miss Gemini
Yu look furry koot on those steps. I fink it wood be fun to run up and down steps. We only have one step in our house. Momma sayz dat the living room is sunken. It am one step lower than the rest of the house. Why wood they sink a room? Momma doesn't knoo cuz she didn't do it. I will azk her to put sum steps in furr me...well maybe I better knot. I am in deep trubbles rite nows and I better keep a low profyle.
Yur boyfriendcat
Those steps look much much better than the ramp my Mommie got the-cat-who-came-before when he was old. It is nice of you to demonstrate how to use the steps!
You make a most excellent model and your momma is very clever to spread catnip on the steps!
I like the steps a lot. I would love them with the nip sprinkled everywhere. Its so nice that Georgia can get up on the bed again.
MOM I want steps like that!
You are a very lovely model!
Oh, I do love stairrrs. I rrrun up and down, and up and down and then up and down and then I get the dogs to chase me and they go up and down....
Thanks forrr visiting me on my bloggie and say hello to Cheysuli forrr me.
You are a very good model, Gemini. I'm glad that Georgia likes and can use the steps. It was clever of your Mom to put catnip on them to make them interesting.
Gemini, I have nominated you to be a Rockin' Girl Blogger. Please stop by my blog for the details and to pick up your award.
I like the idea of the steps ~ that could be some fun exercises for the cat and also like a modified cat tree ~ hmm no wonder Snow and Forest spend so much time around the stairs!
KC said...
O, wow, u's look grrrreat on them neat stairs.
Purrrs, KC
We monitated you for the Rockin Girl Blogger Award. You can copy it offn our blog and put it in your sidebar, if you like.
BPW Cats
I Dare You!
Come on over and check it out!
Those stairs are perfect!
the carpeting must be very comfortable for your paws, and you won't slip!
you are modeling those steps like a professional kitteh model!! my mom promised me steps like that, but i have not got them yet... but i did get a big 7 foot scratchin tree, so i guess thats ok.
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