Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Snoozing and Wondering

So I slept much of the day yesterday. I had a wonderful dream. I dreamed that Momma paid as much attention to my blog as she does to Cheysuli's!

Then I dreamed that I got a huge dish of kitty crunchies and that's all we ate and Chey hated it! He he. Cheysuli doesn't like her crunchies but I love them.

Then I dreamed that Georgia was all better and I could chase her and not get in trouble. I dreamed that she was able to bite me again and toss me over on my side. Well, okay so she really does still bite me sometimes, but it's because I like it.

I dreamed that I got to chase lots of golf balls as the Almost Dad practiced his putting indoors again.

I also dreamed about my handsome Ping and we went walking on a nice safe sandbox!


LZ said...

What a wonderful dream! Your mom loves you very much its just that meezers are very demanding. VERY demanding.


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

I have lotsa dreams to. My main one is going in the Out. Last night I was on Momma's lap and she told Daddy my whiskers were quivering and my mouf was moving, like I was drinking. I got barrased bout that.


Lux said...

That sounds like the bestest dream, Gemini ... full of good things!

Daisy said...

That sounds like a wonderful dream you had, Gemini! I hope your dream comes true, too.

Ayla said...

Those are Good Dreams. I wish I had more of them. Unfortunately mine involved being run over by thousands of Brats trying to steal my nip. Hmmm...I wonder why? :P


Sweet Gemini

Those were such nice dreams, and I am honored that you dreamed about me...

Your efur faithful boyfriendcat

The Meezers or Billy said...

those was some wonderful dreams!

zevo hussein calamari said...

Those are wonderful dreams. I heard that if you wish on a star they come true!


Tara said...

Aw sweetie, you are worth all of that attention in your dreams!


Karen Jo said...

You had a wonderful dream. I hope it comes true for you. Well not the part about getting only crunchies to eat and Cheysuli not liking it, because that wouldn't be very nice for Chey, but the rest of it was very good.

Forty Paws said...

What wonderful dreams! Did you twitch and chitter in your dreams?

Luf, Us

Artsy Catsy said...

What wonderful dreams, Gemini! I know what you mean, sometimes it's hard for moms to have enough attention to go around. With all of us here, I'm constantly fighting to get at the head of the line!
