Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Visitors are coming.

Momma is furry excited that her friend and the chihuahua are coming. I am not so sure. I didn't like it when Belle came to visit. I would hide under the dresser cause she couldn't get me there. Oh my.

She will be here tonight and then all day tomorrow, but she'll probably go in the car with Momma and her friend. She likes the car. That's a furry strange thing about chihuahuas. I know I am bigger than she is, but she is noisy and bouncy and just moves funny and I don't like it. I can't wait until she is gone and she isn't even here yet!


The Meezers or Billy said...

you need a Belle-free zone in your house that is only for you and Chey (and of course Georgia if she doesn't like Belle too). we finks that if the poodins are afraid of the woofie, or don't like the woofie, and aren't used to a woofie being around, the woofie should not come, or, if it has to come, the woofie should be confined to one room. sorry if that sounds rude. Mommy does not allow woofies in our house.

Kukka-Maria said...

My Uncle Cooper came over Saturay evening. Ugh! He is big, but I showed him who was boss.

He was pretty afraid of me by the time he went home.

And he should be...

LZ said...

I've never seen a woofie before....Chase likes them a lot but I don't think Kaze or I would like them at all. I agree with Kukka, make him know who's boss! I'm sure you're bigger than him anyway.

Zeus said...

Maybe you and the chihuahua could play some party games, exchange treats, and get to know one another this time around. Maybe you'll find you both have a lot in common. It's a possibility...

Ivan from WMD said...

Eeek eeek eeek! Hide!


I says show the little bugger whos boss! REOW!


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Yes, furless company is bad, but furry woofie company, that is the worst ever.
