Tuesday, July 18, 2006

So Much Going on in the Blogsphere.

Oh my so much to blog about. I was going to talk about the Blogs of Summer on Blogging Outloud because you know they have a kitty cats area for blogs. We could all be there!

Then I saw poor Kukka-Maria's blog and I must go over there for the picket march for Kukka-Maria seeing she's in jail. I think it's just horrible and Chey is calling our senators to see what she can do. This is obviously specist. The Newman's will be joining Chey when she gets off the phone to support Kukka-Maria.

Of course, Chey has no idea what state Kukka-Maria lives in so she's calling everyone. Patty Murry and Maria Cantwell have both said they would help but they need to know who to talk to! Dave Reichart won't even take her calls, but well... so Chey called our former congressman from SW Washington Brian Baird and he said he would help.


The Meezers or Billy said...

did chey figure out that kukka lives in the mitten state? i has been marching around my lifing room shouting "free kukka now" for about an hour. - Miles

Zeus said...

If Cheysuli can't help Kukka with all of her connections, then we're all lost. Hopefully, you'll figure it all out for us, Cheysuli!


We've been marching all morning too! Let's hope we pull enuff strings to break Kukka out!

*ABBY & the gang

Kukka-Maria said...

I'm back and better than ever! Thanks for your support! If it weren't for you and the rest of the picketing gang, I would still be rotting in my cell.
